Monday, October 24, 2016

Tackling the Issues - Dems and Republicans Talk it Out?

How many times a day do we read in the beautiful main stream media about the differences between Republican and Democrat? Do people ever stop to think, 'if we could just sit down and calmly talk about this, we could probably come to sort of consensus?' I think some people do think that, but it's almost nigh to impossible to have it work in any real way with the great and insurmountable divide our great USA has created for itself.

I live in a state this is very conservative, and I too am conservative. I have mentioned before that I typically vote along Republican lines but this year my vote goes to an independent candidate. I read blogs about why people are Democrat and why Jesus would be too, or why Jesus would be a Republican. Honestly, I don't think he would fit either party but rather would be a compromise somewhere in between, with bits and pieces from independent parties. He, after all, sets the standard of what is right and good, and not our political parties even if they feel they are morally superior to others.

I don't want to get too much into the religious side of this - I just brought that up because it just goes to show that we all think we are morally superior to others from time to time, but we seriously need some real chill and a healthy dose of humility to see things as they really are. What if we're wrong in our political leanings? Or mostly wrong? Mostly right?

I'd like to see if I can, at least for myself, bridge the gap between the two major political party platforms and put in my own views as to how we can come to a consensus, or at least an understanding, of how these views play together and integrate into our American governmental system. You with me? Ok, take a deep breath...

Here we go.

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