Thursday, November 10, 2016

Your Worth is Still the Same

This has been an interesting week in the world of social media. The most obvious and all-consuming topic is of course the election of Donald Trump, and as predicted, chaos has ensued. This doesn't really surprise me but one sentiment I have noticed from time to time has been particularly concerning to me - a notion that parents now have to explain to their daughters that they are worth less now than they were on Tuesday.

Not sure if this is overdramatized for maximum effect, but if it is just know - a woman's, or man's, worth is never dependent on what is going on around them. They are always of immense worth, infinite even. If someone is hurting you, your actual worth is not diminished. As a child of our Heavenly Father, that cannot be changed. Life is never going to be perfect. I'm a woman, too. People are concerned about who Donald Trump is but no matter who you are, if you support him or no, that doesn't make you suddenly less. Be YOU. Have confidence in who you are - and that is a beloved and infinitely valuable. Don't forget that. Let's go forward with optimism and faith! People are going to disappoint you, that will never change, but let's lift where we stand, even if it is lifting ourselves.

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