Thursday, November 10, 2016

Why Do I Feel Like a Trump Apologist?

If you know me or have had any sort of political discussion with me ever, you would easily know that I am not one of Trump's supporters. From the first day he announced his candidacy, I had major eye rolling at the thought that he was actually in fact seriously running for President. I've never been able to take him, his personality, his seeming lack of any sort of grasp on international politics, or any rational thought as a viable option for President. However, I sit here the past few days with the sure knowledge that Donald Trump has in fact won the election. It's an interesting phenomenon, and I like many others, am still trying to figure out how we got here. But even in light of all this, I have suddenly found myself as a near-apologist for our President-elect, and admittedly it is confusing to even myself.

I've pondered this. Why do I feel the need to defend him? Really, though, I think I'm more defending those who voted for him versus the man himself. Many people I love chose him, and many people who I don't know but who are also conservative did as well, and I see myself in many of them. Eight years of Obama has been tough. Another four with Clinton would have been intolerable. This is why people supported Trump. Discussion after discussion about how they HAD to vote for him, even if he's not a stellar choice, simply because Hillary was worse in their minds. That is seriously why many voted for him. Even Bernie supporters voted for Trump, if that's telling you something.

I can't defend Trump and his personal self, but I do get that people felt like he was their great last hope for a more constitutionally-run country, whether true or not. Now we as conservatives need to stop the alienation of the other side so we can reach across the aisle for peace in our divided country.

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