Monday, November 21, 2016

I'm Annoyed with the Internet Today

The internet is an ugly place. People somehow become less intelligent or at least, willfully less intelligent, not to mention rude. This past election continues to show people's true colors. I've already decided I'm longer in the mainstream Republican boat, but without a 'political home',  I've been pondering where I fit, if anywhere. It has become increasingly clear that any doubt I had that I could ever align with the liberal side of things is now completely gone - I definitely could not be a liberal. I don't really feel like going into some sort of attack mode, so I'll just stop here for now. Everyone is bugging me and their willful defiance to try to see anyone else's point of view is at first frustrating, then eventually I get bored because it's the same story. Everyone who is not on a particular side is labeled stupid and ignorant and blah blah blah. Same story, different day. No thanks, internet.

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